Simulated children's teeth, used to test the surface of a prominent toy parts and accessories to bear bite force capability.
Meet the criteria:
ASTM F963, 16CFR 1500.52C
Test procedure:
1.1 sample bite force during testing at room temperature before 23 ± 2 degrees, humidity 20% ~ 70% of the environment to place 4 hours.
1.2 will test the components according to the appropriate location within the device into the depth of bite force of at least 0.25in, at 5 seconds to reach the required poundage and maintain 10 seconds.
1.3 Requirements: American Standard:
0 ~ 18 months, 25 ± 0.5LBS
18 to 36 months, 50 ± 0.5LBS
36 ~ 96 months 100 ± 0.5LBS
1.4 determine: This test is to determine just do not do test records.